Made by The Bardstown Bourbon Company, LLC ~ Bardstown Bourbon Company
A perfect pairing of fruit and vanilla. An indulgent array of apple, caramel, and baking spices completes this rich, lightly dry, crisply complex, one-of-a-kind pour.
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The Nose Initially, the aroma easily goes to Barrell 7 Year Single Barrel Rye. It is a sweet, decadent, candy-spice bomb. Barrell starts as a more complex experience than Old Forester...Read More
What are the best rye whiskeys to drink in 2022? Well, that depends on how much you want to spend. So, I have compiled a list of some of the best rye whiskeys by price and value. What is the best rye ...Read More
A bourbon enthusiast online referred to Shortbarrel Single Barrel Series as a Stagg killer. This was an intriguing description, so I drove 20 miles to purchase this store pick from Grapes & Grains...Read More