Made by The Bardstown Bourbon Company, LLC ~ Bardstown Bourbon Company
Baked apples with toffee, walnut, and cinnamon lead to luscious maple with vibrant spice. Our richest Fusion blend to date unfolds with a signature smooth finish.
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A blended whiskey or bourbon is an artfully crafted result of mixing different types of whiskeys. Often, crafters experienced in the art of blending will mix different aged and/or different quality wh...Read More
What are the top 10 most popular bourbon brands? This article will explore the answer to the question. First, we need to establish how "popularity" is defined in this article. Popularity doe...Read More
Woodford Reserve Master's Collection Batch Proof 118.4 is bourbon that is bold, densely rich, flavor-packed, and hot! It provides one of the more aggressive tasting experiences I've ...Read More