Made by The Bardstown Bourbon Company, LLC ~ Bardstown Bourbon Company
Baked peach with cream meets cocoa and hints of lemon. An indulgent, smooth mouthfeel of stone fruit and toffee leads to an alluring and enduring finish.
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I can’t tell you how often I have shared bourbon with friends only to have them respond, "That is too hot," or, they will say, “I only taste the alcohol." Unfortunately...Read More
Weller is Buffalo Trace Distillery’s fabulous line of award-winning wheated bourbon whiskeys. With seven wheated bourbons in this stable, which one is the best, and how do they rank? To determin...Read More
It is almost embarrassing that Old Forester produces a rye at this price point that is better than most of the ryes at the double this retail price. Frankly, I do not think you will find a rye under $...Read More