Made by Western Spirits Beverage Company
Color | Rich, deep amber leather. Nose | Notes of vanilla, caramel and butterscotch. Taste | Abundantly textured with bursts of toasted honey and oak. Finish | A long, lively and captivating finish reveals bold flavors.
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There is beauty in nature and another in art. There is still another kind of beauty where art, utility, function, and engineering come into play. That is where creative and artful bourbon bottle desig...Read More
There are several ways to enhance the flavor of your whiskey. First, consider using a whiskey glass with a tulip shape to concentrate the aroma. Allow the whiskey to breathe for a few minutes afte...Read More
I must admit that the first time I tried this George Dickel Single Barrel 15-year whiskey, I thought it was one of the most unique and strange pours of the year (unique is not always good). However, I...Read More