
Duke Spirits

Their parent company is O.Z. Tyler Distillery. The distillery website address is http://www.dukespirits.com/

Duke Spirits Bourbons and Whiskeys

Duke Bourbon
Duke Grand Cru Bourbon
DUKE Grand Cru Double Barrel Rye
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The Difference Between Straight Bourbon and Bourbon Whiskey

What is the difference between Straight Bourbon Whiskey and Bourbon Whiskey? The difference is minimal. However, let's list some similarities before we get into the differences. Bourbon Whisk...Read More

Does Whiskey Oxidize? How Long is Bourbon Good Once Opened?

One of the most popular questions new bourbon enthusiasts ask is, "How fast will my bourbon oxidize once I open the bottle?" They are really asking, "How long is bourbon good for once o...Read More

Shortbarrel Single Barrel Series Review (First Pour)

A bourbon enthusiast online referred to Shortbarrel Single Barrel Series as a Stagg killer. This was an intriguing description, so I drove 20 miles to purchase this store pick from Grapes & Grains...Read More