
G. Remus Distilling Co.

Their parent company is Midwest Grain Products (MGP). The distillery website address is https://georgeremus.com/

G. Remus Distilling Co. Bourbons and Whiskeys

George Remus Bourbon
George Remus Single Barrel Cask Strength Bourbon
Remus Repeal Reserve Series IV Bourbon
Remus Repeal Reserve Series V Bourbon
Remus Volstead Reserve
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What are Wheated Bourbon and Wheat Whisky?

All whiskeys are made from a combination of grains which is known as a mash bill. What makes them different is the ratio of the different grains that go into the manufacturing and distilling of the fi...Read More

What is Blended Whiskey (Bourbon)? A Quick Reference Guide

A blended whiskey or bourbon is an artfully crafted result of mixing different types of whiskeys. Often, crafters experienced in the art of blending will mix different aged and/or different quality wh...Read More

Buzzard’s Roost Barrel Strength Straight Bourbon Review

A review of Buzzard’s Roost Barrel Strength Straight Bourbon Whiskey. This 114.4 proof blend of 4 to 6-year-old MGP whiskeys is an aggressive bourbon. The sample was provided cour...Read More