Kentucky Artisan Distillery is located in Crestwood, KY. Their parent company is Copperhead Distillery Company. The distillery website address is
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“Rye whiskey” and “rye bourbon” are terms that often confuse people who are new to the whiskey world. A common misperception is that the two terms are synonymous. While both ry...Read More
Weller is Buffalo Trace Distillery’s fabulous line of award-winning wheated bourbon whiskeys. With seven wheated bourbons in this stable, which one is the best, and how do they rank? To determin...Read More
I do not hide that I am a Barrell Craft Spirits fan. So, I was eagerly anticipating this review of Barrell Bourbon Batch 35. It is a blend of straight bourbon whiskeys distilled and aged in TN, KY, an...Read More