Lexington Brewing and Distilling Co. is located in Lexington, KY. Their parent company is Alltech's Beverage Division LLC. The distillery website address is https://www.lexingtonbrewingco.com/
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Is there a right or wrong way to enjoy a fantastic American whiskey? Many bourbon drinkers are adamant about chilling their whiskey by adding ice, using cold whiskey stones, or putting their bourbon i...Read More
Shaylyn Gammon joined Blue Run Spirits as Whiskey Director on February 10, 2022. She came to the pandemic start-up whiskey company from Campari Group, where she led innovation projects on brands such ...Read More
As soon as I heard about the release of Barrell Rye Private Release 1M20 Finished in a Madeira Barrel, I went directly to the Barrel Craft Spirits Barcart to purchase a bottle. You have to understand ...Read More