Uncle Nearest Distillery is located in Shelbyville, TN. Their parent company is Uncle Nearest, Inc.. The distillery website address is https://unclenearest.com/
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All whiskeys are made from a combination of grains which is known as a mash bill. What makes them different is the ratio of the different grains that go into the manufacturing and distilling of the fi...Read More
In the months prior to this writing, I was exposed to two very good oak-dominant bourbons: Barrell Vantage and 2XO - The Phoenix Blend. After letting the most recent purchase of 2XO open up a bit, I...Read More
Frank August Small Batch Bourbon has been a mystery. There wasn't much information online about this bourbon, the distillate source, or the company. I saw it online at Seelbach's, but it sold ...Read More