Willett Distillery is located in Bardstown, KY. Their parent company is Kentucky Bourbon Distillers (KBD), Ltd.. The distillery website address is https://www.kentuckybourbonwhiskey.com/
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Blanton's has been around since the 1980s but has become truly popular in the last decade. If you are a whiskey enthusiast or even a fringe bourbon lover, then you know that Blanton's is one o...Read More
If you are new to this bourbon game, no doubt you find it an exhilarating hobby. However, you may have also realized that it can be a money pit. To help alleviate some of the pain newbies can experien...Read More
A first pour review of Barrell Whiskey Private Release DJX2 Finished in a Ruby Port Barrel. Oh, it's delectable! ...Read More