Made by Four Roses Distillery LLC, Kirin Brewery Company ~ Four Roses Distillery
Delicate rye and mint.
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Mashbill: B.
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This review is based on the remaining 1/4 of my bottle of Barrel Dovetail. I have to admit I am a little bit biased because I seem to gravitate to all of Barrell’s finished Whiskeys. Doveta...Read More
I am almost reluctant to provide a ranking of Old Forester whiskeys for fear of drawing too much attention to this fabulous line of bourbons. Old Forester produces such rich and high-quality whiskeys ...Read More
If you ask ten bourbon enthusiasts with a wide range of bourbon-tasting experiences for their best bourbons under $60, all lists will likely differ. However, a few bourbons on my list will undoubtedly...Read More