Made by American Freedom Distillery
Aroma: Butterscotch, ginger, cherries. Tasting: Butterscotch, oak, stone fruits, cola, ginger, and floral notes.
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Doc Swinson’s Alter Ego (Neck Pour). This tastes EXACTLY like I would expect a Sherry and Cognac finished Bourbon to taste. Very sweet on the nose after letting it sit for a couple of minutes...Read More
Deep within the catacombs of social network bourbon groups and the recesses of secondary bourbon markets, you will find individuals who are attempting to sell individual bottles of hard-to-find bourbo...Read More
In the months prior to this writing, I was exposed to two very good oak-dominant bourbons: Barrell Vantage and 2XO - The Phoenix Blend. After letting the most recent purchase of 2XO open up a bit, I...Read More