On the first pour of 1792 Small Batch, few notes are discernible. This aroma experience is unusual since typically, you can find ethanol or mild traditional bourbon notes on the nose of most bourbons. After my first sip, I went back to the nose, and the ethanol was more intense. I let it sit for a while to take some pictures of the glass, and when I came back to the bourbon, the nose was much more intense. There was a rich, creamy caramel aroma which unfortunately dissipated quickly.
The palate is a little bit better. There’s a mild buttery caramel cream taste to the 1792 Small Batch. I was surprised by this because its nose was weak. I have to say, this is a much better sipper than I imagined—salted caramel.

The finish lingers more on the back of your throat than it does in the esophagus, so you don’t quite get that warm hug you would expect or want from a bourbon.
I would have rated this higher, but the nose and finish leave much to be desired.