This is a first-pour review of 2XO, Two Times Oak, by Dixon Dedman. The Phoenix Blend.

Rating: 80
Nose |
Palate |
Finish |
Uniqueness |
Value |
Ratings breakdown based on a 100 point scale.
- 90-100 Exceptional
- 80-89 Very Good
- 70-79 Average
- 60-69 Below Average
- 50-60 Drain Pour
Detailed Tasting Notes
Nose Review - Rating: 83
The nose of 2XO, Two Times Oak, clearly starts with oak and subtle notes of mild brown sugar on the nose. No ethanol is present in the nose of this Dixon Dedman 104-proof straight bourbon whiskey. You can pick up some baking spices like clove, and a little tobacco if you work at it. Thematically, this bourbon features an aged oak aroma. The ethanol disappears in subsequent pours.
Palate Review - Rating: 83
The palate, in many ways, is a repeat of the nose. It is oak-forward with hints of brown sugar. However, much more spice comes through on the palate than the nose. The oak is clearly dominant in this bourbon whiskey. Any sweetness is lingering well below the spice. Overall, this does not taste like a well-aged whiskey. Since there is no age statement, I’m guessing 2XO The Phoenix Blend is in the 6-8 year range. I could be wrong. I expect some sweetness to reveal itself more in subsequent pours.
Finish Review - Rating: 81
The Phoenix Blend spice hits the back of your throat and adds an unexpected pop to the finish. The tobacco spice and oak warmth linger nicely.
Uniqueness Review - Rating: 77
There isn't anything particularly unique about 2XO bourbon other than the unexpected finish.
Value Review - Rating: 76
I expected a creamier or oilier mouth feel at this price point, and it just isn’t there. It is a little thinner than I would expect. 2XO, Two Times Oak, by Dixon Dedman, is about 20 bucks too high.
Smell IS taste. I am just a guy who has been hit with the bourbon bug and who has come to the conclusion that life is too short to drink average tasting bourbons. Go Gators!
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