I will start by saying that Bardstown Bourbon Company Discovery Series #8 is incredible and one of my favorite whiskeys of 2023. Interestingly, the first and last Bardstown Discovery I had before this was 5. It was not to my liking – probably too much Dickel. That turned me off to them for a little while, not knowing their history. However, Bardstown Discovery Series #8 has brought me roaring back to the fold.
The Bardstown Bourbon Company defines Discovery #8 as "an artfully crafted blend of Kentucky Bourbon, two Indiana ryes, and aged Canadian whiskey." It is indeed artfully crafted, starting with 66% 12-year-old Kentucky-sourced bourbon with a mash bill of 78% corn, 10% rye, and 12% malted barley. Combine that with MGP's "other" mash bill of 51% rye, 45% corn, and 4% malted barley and their more well-known 95/5 mash bill at 7 years and 6 years, respectively. The crème de la crème is the 12-year 100% corn whiskey sourced from Ontario, Canada. I can taste its nougaty influence in this beautiful blend. Bardstown then adds a custom selection of five oak staves explicitly created to enhance the unique flavor of this blend. According to The Bardstown Company, "The staves provide nuances that range from French toast to vanilla to Rioja barrels." Let's see in this review if all of this is true.

Rating: 87
Nose |
Palate |
Finish |
Uniqueness |
Value |
Ratings breakdown based on a 100 point scale.
- 90-100 Exceptional
- 80-89 Very Good
- 70-79 Average
- 60-69 Below Average
- 50-60 Drain Pour
Detailed Tasting Notes
Nose Review - Rating: 87
Oh, this is special. The nose Bardstown Bourbon Company Discovery Series 8 has a captivating aroma that starts off thick, chewy, chunky, and rich. It features some rye spice, dried dark fruits, brown sugar, and some ethanol. This is the aroma you expect from a bourbon at this price point. As we know, smell is taste. If your initial nosing of a whiskey doesn't build anticipation, that will negatively impact the taste. Of course, that does not occur here. The expectation of the tasting experience is building.
Palate Review - Rating: 91
The nose built anticipation for the palate. And the taste surpasses the nosing experience. Again, the palate of Bardstown Bourbon Company Discovery Series 8 is rich and oily. Wonderfully honey-sweet but balanced with a beautiful cinnamon and pepper spice, minimal cocoa, and oak. Sometimes it feels like Discovery 8 is spice-driven, and other times it's syrupy. This is right up my alley. My palate often favors whiskeys that are a little more sweet than spicy. This Bardstown Discovery Series 8 is a full-bodied whiskey with nutty characteristics, possibly macadamia nuts, complementing rye spice and heat. It is dangerously easy to drink for a 114.1-proof whiskey.
Finish Review - Rating: 88
The finish lingers, and while many whiskeys go dry on the finish, Discovery Series 8 maintains its sweetness. Many of the notes from the palate are reflected in the finish. The warmth of the finish never goes away.
Uniqueness Review - Rating: 85
Uniqueness can sometimes be challenging to gauge for certain whiskeys. The tasting experience of Discovery Series 8 is unique because of its quality, but the actual flavors of the whiskey are typical...and that's okay.
Value Review - Rating: 82
$139.99 is a price point that I struggle with. That is a lot of money to spend on whiskey before you even taste it. When a whiskey at this MSRP doesn't meet expectations, it is highly disappointing. However, Bardstown Bourbon Company Discovery Series 8 lives up to the expectation of a whiskey at this price point. You will be satisfied with the tasting experience.
Smell IS taste. I am just a guy who has been hit with the bourbon bug and who has come to the conclusion that life is too short to drink average tasting bourbons. Go Gators!
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