I do not hide that I am a Barrell Craft Spirits fan. So, I was eagerly anticipating this review of Barrell Bourbon Batch 35. It is a blend of straight bourbon whiskeys distilled and aged in TN, KY, and IN, featuring a selection of 6, 7, 8, and 13-year-old barrels to reach a derived mash bill of 78% Corn, 18% Rye, and 4% Malted Barley at 116.24 proof. The result is a beautiful straight bourbon blend tasting experience and possibly the best of the past four releases. However, I am saying this based on memory; you know how that goes. Anyway, here is my review of Barrell Bourbon Batch 35.

Rating: 83
Nose |
Palate |
Finish |
Uniqueness |
Value |
Ratings breakdown based on a 100 point scale.
- 90-100 Exceptional
- 80-89 Very Good
- 70-79 Average
- 60-69 Below Average
- 50-60 Drain Pour
Detailed Tasting Notes
Nose Review - Rating: 84
I always anticipate opening a new bottle to see my initial impression of the aroma. I opened and poured Barrell Bourbon Batch 35 but set the glass down to take a photo. As I did, the smell permeated my bar and built anticipation for what was to come. Initially, a resinous creaminess and a density to the aroma gave way to mild dark chocolate-covered cherry notes. These notes blended with dark brown sugar aromas. A bit of ethanol and rye spice started coming to the fore and blending nicely with a sweet syrup. After the first sip, the nose transforms into a cinnamon, spice, and custard mix. There’s only a trace of ethanol on the nose. The aroma of Barrell Bourbon Batch 35 is weighty but not overpowering.
Palate Review - Rating: 87
The initial sip was creamy...very creamy, but hotter than expected for a 116.24 proof blend of straight bourbon whiskeys. There was a slightly oily mouth feel that I have come to expect from Barrell Craft Spirit whiskeys. Barrell Bourbon Batch 35 featured a nuttiness to the heat but with an undercurrent of sweetness. It was a 65/35 spice/heat ratio at the beginning of the tasting. Oak is evident even at this 6-year age statement. Molasses and pecan wood are there as well. Mildly sweet pepper. The palate is bold but rich with characteristics of warm baked bread. Later in the pour, it changes to a 50/50 spice/heat ratio.
I look forward to subsequent tastings in a few weeks to see if the heat levels out. Having said that, this first pour is terrific. As you get deeper into the tasting experience, the aggressive nature of Barrell Bourbon Batch 35 starts to subside, and it becomes an easy drinker.
Finish Review - Rating: 85
I laughed a little bit after my first sip because the heat on the finish did not go away. It radiated for a couple minutes. Deeper into the tasting experience, the finish settled into a wonderfully sweet but woody and nutty pecan taste. Barrell Bourbon Batch 35 maintains its spicy-sweet nature on the finish. I like that it does not go completely dry like many Bourbons. Oh, is that tobacco too?
Uniqueness Review - Rating: 80
As mentioned earlier, Barrell Bourbon Batch 35 is a straight bourbon with many characteristics you would expect in an excellent bourbon. However, as far as uniqueness, it is only unique because it is a more refined tasting experience than you would expect for a six-year bourbon.
Value Review - Rating: 78
It looks like Barrell Craft Spirits has upped its $79.99 price point to $90.00 for this offering.
Smell IS taste. I am just a guy who has been hit with the bourbon bug and who has come to the conclusion that life is too short to drink average tasting bourbons. Go Gators!
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