Coopers' Craft Barrel Reserve Bourbon 100 Proof is a surprisingly good bourbon at around 30 bucks. Once this bottle is given time to open up, it blossoms great nose, palate, and finish.

Rating: 83
Nose |
Palate |
Finish |
Uniqueness |
Value |
Ratings breakdown based on a 100 point scale.
- 90-100 Exceptional
- 80-89 Very Good
- 70-79 Average
- 60-69 Below Average
- 50-60 Drain Pour
Detailed Tasting Notes
Nose Review - Rating: 83
When you open a new bottle of bourbon, you typically get a strong aroma. However, this was a very different experience. There was not much on the nose initially. I had to allow time for the bottle to be open before the nose evolved into a rich and creamy new oak aroma. Chocolate-covered cherries, strong oak, brown sugar, and char on the nose. Very thick and rich, nosing experience. You can nose white pepper and very mild traditional bourbon notes like caramel and vanilla. It is not until you allow the bottle to open up that you get all of the wonderfully rich notes that you expect from a Brown-Forman product.
Palate Review - Rating: 86
The palate has almost a nutty brown sugar and oak that tantalizes with a creamy sweetness. There’s a good bit of viscosity too. Beyond the charred, woody oak notes are creamy and rich traditional bourbon notes of cinnamon, caramel, and vanilla. This is a Brown-Forman product profile all of the way: salted caramel and seasoned oak mix.
Finish Review - Rating: 80
The finish is unexpected for a 100-proof whiskey. It is longer than I expected, with notes that reflect the palate with the addition of leather and dry brown sugar.
Uniqueness Review - Rating: 78
Coopers' Craft Barrel Reserve Bourbon 100 is a very traditional bourbon profile that is wonderfully done and unexpected at this price point. It's unique because its quality is higher than its price point.
Value Review - Rating: 88
Coopers' Craft Barrel Reserve Bourbon 100 beats many traditional bourbons at twice the price of this $30 MSRP bourbon.
Smell IS taste. I am just a guy who has been hit with the bourbon bug and who has come to the conclusion that life is too short to drink average tasting bourbons. Go Gators!
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