
Filmland Spirits Moonlight Mayhem Bourbon Review

Review by Mark Pringle |
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77 General Review of Filmland Spirits Moonlight Mayhem Bourbon

I must admit that the cool packaging of Filmland Spirits Moonlight Mayhem Bourbon, specifically the B-movie labeling, got my attention from this new company and bourbon. I always love reviewing new products, so let's see what this whiskey offers.

Filmland Spirits Moonlight Mayhem Bourbon

The Nose

The nose of Filmland Spirits Moonlight Mayhem Bourbon is very traditional. It has a sweet corn aroma that dominates. It has very, very light caramel notes below the corn and almost a lemon citrus aroma. After a couple of sips, the spice starts to come through on the nose. These spice notes weren't discernible at first; however, it is present throughout the rest of the tasting.

The Palate

The palate of Filmland Spirits Moonlight Mayhem Bourbon is almost a reflection of the nose. Sweet corn. There is a spiciness from the beginning that I did not detect in the aroma. However, only after tasting this bourbon was I able to discern the spice in the scent. At 94 proof, it is very drinkable but has little sophistication. Taste-wise, Filmland Spirits Moonlight Mayhem Bourbon is an average, middle-of-the-road, and seemingly youthful bourbon. While the taste is good, there is little to make it memorable, other than its label.

The Finish

The finish is short and reflects the palate with corn and spice.

Author: Mark Pringle
Smell IS taste. I am just a guy who has been hit with the bourbon bug and who has come to the conclusion that life is too short to drink average tasting bourbons. Go Gators!
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