A quick review of Lock Stock & Barrel 16 Year Straight Rye Whiskey.

Rating: 71
Nose |
Palate |
Finish |
Uniqueness |
Value |
Ratings breakdown based on a 100 point scale.
- 90-100 Exceptional
- 80-89 Very Good
- 70-79 Average
- 60-69 Below Average
- 50-60 Drain Pour
Detailed Tasting Notes
Nose Review - Rating: 71
At 107 proof Lock Stock & Barrel 16 Year Straight Rye is a lot milder, all the way, around than I anticipated. I get simple whiffs of pine needles and mild vanilla on the nose. Subtle beer or hops notes too.
Palate Review - Rating: 74
The palate has mild malty notes of caramel and cocoa, but everything is very mild and this rye does not taste like 107-proof rye.
Finish Review - Rating: 70
Virtually no finish. Nothing to grab onto. Very disappointing.
Uniqueness Review - Rating: 75
Average. I've seen reviews of how great this is and it makes me think I have a bad bottle.
Value Review - Rating: 65
With an MSRP in the $129.99 plus range, this is a massive disappointment.
Smell IS taste. I am just a guy who has been hit with the bourbon bug and who has come to the conclusion that life is too short to drink average tasting bourbons. Go Gators!
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