Mammoth Distilling Borrowed Time 12-Year Single Barrel Rye provides a delectable and sultry tasting experience. While the nose is somewhat mild, the velvety sweet-heat palate of this single barrel store pick makes it one of the best ryes I have encountered. In fact, when I opened the bottle to review it, I paused the review and enjoyed the tasting experience. A word of caution. Do not confuse the Single Barrel Rye with the Small Batch. They are two different worlds. This is a review of the12-Year Single Barrel Rye.

Rating: 91
Nose |
Palate |
Finish |
Uniqueness |
Value |
Ratings breakdown based on a 100 point scale.
- 90-100 Exceptional
- 80-89 Very Good
- 70-79 Average
- 60-69 Below Average
- 50-60 Drain Pour
Detailed Tasting Notes
Nose Review - Rating: 87
The nose of Mammoth Distilling 12-Year Single Barrel Rye is a heavenly thick, jam-like, cream soda, and crème brûlée mix. Although the nose is not enthusiastic initially, the notes are clear: blueberries, birthday cake buttercream icing, and mild ethanol. Overtly sweet, chewy, and with moderate spice.
Palate Review - Rating: 95
he palate is a more intense reflection of the nose. Syrupy sweet crème brûlée combined with intense baking spices and 125-proof heat. Although this is a rye whiskey, the kick leans more toward baking spices than rye spice. Mammoth Distilling Borrowed Time 12-Year Single Barrel Rye has almost the perfect amount of heat to counteract the Werther's Original candy and birthday cake buttercream icing sweetness. There have only been a handful of whiskeys that I've tasted that made my toes curl, and this is one of them. The palate is buttery, custard-like, creamy, and a little oily. Wow! It's almost too sweet and syrupy.
Finish Review - Rating: 86
The finish is milder than one would expect, considering the heat on the palate. The sweetness is consistent through the finish of this fantastic Mammoth Distilling Borrowed Time 12-Year Single Barrel Rye.
Uniqueness Review - Rating: 94
Mammoth Distilling Borrowed Time 12-Year Single Barrel Rye provides a unique flavor profile and tasting experience.
Value Review - Rating: 92
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Smell IS taste. I am just a guy who has been hit with the bourbon bug and who has come to the conclusion that life is too short to drink average tasting bourbons. Go Gators!
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