Old Forester Single Barrel Barrel Strength Bourbon certainly packs a heat and flavor punch. Yeah, this black pepper and creamy salted caramel heat needed time to open up. While not the highest proof I’ve had, it is one of the hottest initial pours, but you can sense the rich flavor behind the heat and once this opens up, it's spectacular.

Rating: 89
Nose |
Palate |
Finish |
Uniqueness |
Value |
Ratings breakdown based on a 100 point scale.
- 90-100 Exceptional
- 80-89 Very Good
- 70-79 Average
- 60-69 Below Average
- 50-60 Drain Pour
Detailed Tasting Notes
Nose Review - Rating: 92
The initial pour from the bottle has a musty oak aroma. I had to let the bourbon sit in the glass for a while. I’m talking about 15 minutes or so. LOL. However, after that, mustiness was gone, and maple, strangely enough, started to come through on the nose. In addition to the maple, creaminess, caramel, cinnamon, butter are all in the nose. It’s strange because the palate is hot, but there isn’t a strong ethanol smell on the nose. The is ethanol clearly there, but not as strong as you would think after tasting it.
Palate Review - Rating: 92
The oakiness of the Old Forester profile shines through in the aroma as well. The palate punches you in the face initially. Make no mistake about it; this is hot. While it’s not the highest proof bourbon I’ve had, it is one of the hottest bourbons on its initial pour. The Brown-Forman oaky profile is evident from the beginning. The black pepper spice is on top of the heat. However, after a few weeks, the caramel and spicey-sweetness came through for me.
Finish Review - Rating: 87
The finish is long and hot with a nice caramel char.
Uniqueness Review - Rating: 85
The heat, aroma complexity, and palate make this special.
Value Review - Rating: 85
At $79.99, this is a reasonable price that is right where I thought it should be. However, in today's market and about pay up to $25 more.
Smell IS taste. I am just a guy who has been hit with the bourbon bug and who has come to the conclusion that life is too short to drink average tasting bourbons. Go Gators!
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