Made by Sazerac Company ~ Buffalo Trace Distillery
Aromas of clove, vanilla, anise and pepper. Subtle notes of candied spices and citrus. The big finish is smooth with hints of licorice.
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Distillation is a rustic cycle that involves the selective boiling and succeeding condensation of an element in any liquid mixture. You can employ the said process to either upswing the content of a s...Read More
Often individuals are perplexed by the distinctions between Bourbon, Scotch, and whiskey when it comes to spirits. Although there are some similarities between Scotch, Bourbon, and whiskey, each has d...Read More
It is almost embarrassing that Old Forester produces a rye at this price point that is better than most of the ryes at the double this retail price. Frankly, I do not think you will find a rye under $...Read More