Made by Pernod Ricard ~ Smooth Ambler Spirits
Toffee and pancake batter on the nose, with pleasant warmth in the mid-palate. Lingering finish with lots of pecan pie.
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A wheated bourbon.
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Every bourbon enthusiast eventually comes across the dreaded problem of what to do when your reckless whiskey spending habits have led to a surplus of really bad bourbons. How do you escape this preca...Read More
Bourbon enthusiasts are always looking for the right word to describe the nose (aroma), palate (taste), or finish (sensation after you have swallowed) of bourbon or other whiskeys. If you are not in t...Read More
Southern Star Paragon Single Barrel Cask Strength Wheated Bourbon offers a nice mix of cask strength flavor, single-barrel bottling, and a wheated mashbill of 70% corn, 16% wheat, and 14% malted ...Read More