Made by Campari America LLC ~ Wild Turkey Distillery
An extraordinarily balanced and smooth sipping whiskey with subtle hints of smoky sweetness.
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Matthew McConaughey's Bourbon.
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The Nose Initially, the aroma easily goes to Barrell 7 Year Single Barrel Rye. It is a sweet, decadent, candy-spice bomb. Barrell starts as a more complex experience than Old Forester...Read More
A blended whiskey or bourbon is an artfully crafted result of mixing different types of whiskeys. Often, crafters experienced in the art of blending will mix different aged and/or different quality wh...Read More
Du Nord Mixed Blood Whiskey comes from a Minnesota Distillery that is self-described on its label as the first legal black-owned distillery. This whiskey was a little tricky to review because little i...Read More