These are popular whiskeys with mash bill of 96% Corn and 4% Barley.
Butterscotch notes and smooth.
A layered full whiskey with a dry tea-like spice finish.
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If you love brown liquor, you probably know the difference between Bourbon and whiskey. Both are brown liquor, and some people might even say they have the same taste. If you refer to Bourbon as w...Read More
This review is based on the remaining 1/4 of my bottle of Barrel Dovetail. I have to admit I am a little bit biased because I seem to gravitate to all of Barrell’s finished Whiskeys. Doveta...Read More
Every bourbon enthusiast eventually comes across the dreaded problem of what to do when your reckless whiskey spending habits have led to a surplus of really bad bourbons. How do you escape this preca...Read More