
Early Times Distillery Co.

Their parent company is Sazerac Co, Inc.. The distillery website address is https://www.earlytimesbottledinbond.com/

Early Times Distillery Co. Bourbons and Whiskeys

Early Times Bottled in Bond Bourbon
Early Times Kentucky Whisky
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First Two Tastes of Elijah Craig Barrel Proof Batch B521

Taste #1: Great nose (caramel toffee) and color. Could be a little smoother but this is the first pour. Taste #2 of Elijah Craig Barrel Proof. It’s still not doing anything for me. Well, it d...Read More

How to Drink Bourbon So That You Enjoy It

I can’t tell you how often I have shared bourbon with friends only to have them respond, "That is too hot," or, they will say, “I only taste the alcohol." Unfortunately...Read More

The Best Benchmark Bourbons Ranked

Which Benchmark bourbon is the best? Before answering that question, let's get a little more information about the Benchmark brand. Benchmark is the popular Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiske...Read More