
Famous Brands

Famous Brands is located in Houston, TX. Their parent company is Famous Brands LLC. The distillery website address is https://famousb.com/


2500 Central Parkway. Suite S1
Houston, TX 77092

Famous Brands Bourbons and Whiskeys

Merica Bourbon
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What is Bourbon and What Can You Use it for Other than Drinking?

Bourbon is a kind of American whiskey made from corn. Many are uncertain whether whiskey is a Bourbon or not, but the logic is that it needs to be distilled from a blend of grains with at least 51...Read More

A Brief History of Bourbon

The United States produces a wide range of liquors. However, one of the best-known is bourbon, which is a product unique to the United States. By definition, bourbon is supposed to be made out of corn...Read More

Chattanooga Whiskey Founder's 10th Anniversary Blend Review

This review is a brief follow-up of Chattanooga Whiskey Founder's 10th Anniversary Blend 100 proof. In my "First Pour," I mentioned some of the unevenness of this bourbon; well, it has e...Read More