James B. Beam Distilling Co. (Jim Beam) is located in Clermont, KY. Their parent company is Beam Suntory, Inc. . The distillery website address is https://www.jimbeam.com/
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This review is based on the remaining 1/4 of my bottle of Barrel Dovetail. I have to admit I am a little bit biased because I seem to gravitate to all of Barrell’s finished Whiskeys. Doveta...Read More
You may hear the phrase "neck pour" among whiskey enthusiasts. The phrase refers to the first one or two pours of a bottle of whiskey: typically coming from the bottle's neck. Som...Read More
If you ask ten bourbon enthusiasts with a wide range of bourbon-tasting experiences for their best bourbons under $60, all lists will likely differ. However, a few bourbons on my list will undoubtedly...Read More