Made by Beam Suntory, Inc. ~ James B. Beam Distilling Co. (Jim Beam)
Aromas of vanilla, citrus fruit, and spice lead into flavors of pepper, corn, and smoky oak. Mildly sweet, with a medium soft finish that leaves a sense of spice and sweetness in your mouth.
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Bourbon has become very popular, so popular that the United States Senate had September declared as a national heritage month for the drink. How you drink it is a simple matter of preference, ...Read More
Are you an avid bourbon enthusiast who frequently drinks? If so, there are a few things you should routinely do to stay healthy while enjoying your bourbon lifestyle. I love to drink moderatel...Read More
I have almost finished this bottle of Belle Meade Madeira Cask Bourbon, and the experience has been memorable. My wife and I visited Madeira (an archipelago located 280 mi off the c...Read More