Michters Distillery is located in Louisville, KY. Their parent company is Michters Distillery LLC. The distillery website address is https://michters.com/
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Bourbon tastings have become a popular activity among whiskey drinkers. In fact, you have seen enthusiasts analyze and evaluate whiskeys as if they are examining a fine work of art. These experts refe...Read More
In the months prior to this writing, I was exposed to two very good oak-dominant bourbons: Barrell Vantage and 2XO - The Phoenix Blend. After letting the most recent purchase of 2XO open up a bit, I...Read More
George Remus Bourbon was not a bourbon that was on my radar to review. However, I had to purchase it to get Remus Repeal Reserve V, which was excellent. So, this has been sitting in my cabinet for mon...Read More